Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mainline Loop Completed!

The layout reached a landmark this morning when I pushed a WC boxcar around the complete loop. This loop is about 33 feet long, which translates to a mile in N scale (N Scale = 1/160; 33 ft x 160 = 5280 ft = 1 mile). I finished the trackwork Friday and tested it today. Here is a shot looking down the main (Wausau) yard and the staging yard:

Here's a better view of the staging yard. I need brighter lighting in the staging room-- it had only been used for storage, but now I'm thinking strongly of installing track lighting to spotlight the yard.

To complete the loop, I also had to figure out how to get around the near corner. This piece is removable, so I wanted to keep the trackwork simple. Once scenicked, this area will represent the bridge over the Eau Claire River just south of the real Wausau yard. By placing the track on the pink foam, I can later carve out the area under the track to make the Eau Claire River and its banks. Because of other considerations, the trackwork is a little unconventional, but cars roll well over it. Still, until I install fascia note that I've added a little cardboard "insurance"-- the sound of trains hitting the floor is not a happy one!

Here's a final view, showing the far end of the staging yard. The tracks go through the wall and reemerge on the north side of Wausau yard in the main room.

I've installed two rerailers on this track to keep trains safe. This will be the main route through the staging yard, with the staging or storage tracks closer to the wall. Each of those tracks will also have a rerailer, which will make it easier to set up trains on those tracks.

That's it for this update. My next project is to complete Wausau yard. I only need one switch to accomplish this and it's on its way (hurry up BLW-- I'm waiting!). I'll post something next weekend. Until then. . .

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